0 Likes. Feet are generally facing straight forward or slightly pointed away from each other (‘toed-out’). I personally feel much more comfortable with the sumo, though I can lift the same amount of weight with the conventional. All three involve lifting a weight from the floor but use different techniques or equipment. Approach the barbell and stand with a wide stance. So although the sumo deadlift is less specific, it may prove to be more beneficial in the long-term. As in which deadlift should be used when targeting specific muscles etc. Conventional deadlifts are better at developing overall strength and power, though we will go into this in more detail below. Dr. A couple key defining characteristics of the sumo deadlift — besides the wider … Working Out with Pain | Find Your Entry Point Exercise. There are three main types of deadlift – conventional deadlifts, sumo deadlifts, and trap bar deadlifts. It therefore seems that the conventional deadlift, if it requires more work, is the better form, right? But I pull sumo so I’m probably biased. 150–161. it can disrupt your bar path in the clean. Surprisingly, no significant differences were found in hip adductor EMG between the two variants, despite the much wider stance found in the sumo deadlift. If your greatest weakness is strength off the floor, then the sumo deadlift should be one of your most potent weapons. Because of the wider stance, the hips are positioned considerably lower, which allows for a more upright torso relative to the ground. The sumo variation’s more quad dominant pulling style generally lends itself to a lower risk of injury. Generally speaking, the common factor between all of these lifts is the ‘hip-hinge’ movement pattern. However, the difference in range of motion doesn’t really matter. Improved posterior chain development. Keep reading to learn the 3 major differences. In terms of an upright back, sumo deadlifts win hands down. More hamstring dominant, so greater crossover to power production and sprinting. These muscles are active during the pull from the floor to a lockout. But it’s much harder to pull the sumo deadlift from the floor than it is the conventional. found that EMG activity at T12 and L3 (paraspinal muscles) demonstrated no significant difference between sumo and conventional deadlifts. My general theory is that when they try sumo, if their strength is within 90% of their conventional deadlift, there is a good chance it is going to be stronger or at least as strong if consistently trained. All three will load the entire body with an emphasis on posterior chain musculature, including the glutes, hamstrings, and paraspinals. Well, maybe. The reason conventional deadlifts place a greater demand on your back is because it requires greater torso lean. “A Biomechanical Analysis of Straight and Hexagonal Barbell Deadlifts Using Submaximal Loads.” Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, vol. Pull your chest up, shoulders back and lats tight. Whereas overall EMG activity from the medial gastrocnemius (muscle present in the posterior part of the leg, originating from the femur) was significantly greater in the conventional deadlift. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. This lift emphasizes the quads, gluteal muscles, adductor magnus, and back extensors (spinal erectors). As it tends to favour longer limbed lifters, the sumo deadlift is used substantially in powerlifting competitions worldwide. The Complete Guide to Powerlifting Supplementation, 5 Best Powerlifting Knee Sleeves for Squats, Differences between Sumo and Conventional Deadlifts, The Main Differences between Sumo and Conventional. In this example, the EMG activity in each muscle allows us to define which deadlift technique is best suited for your goals. – Olympic Weightlifting, Should you wear Powerlifting Shoes? Cholewicki et al. This article will break down the techniques of the conventional and sumo deadlift. Is the Conventional Deadlift better than Sumo? 682–688. The lifter can then grasp either the ‘high-handles’ or ‘low-handles’ in a neutral forearm position on either side of their body. If it is even closer than 90%, then there is a really higher chance it will be better, and that probably means I will have them switch immediately. The two differs in how you position your feet and hands. for long-term progress the sumo variation. 12, 2019, pp. Today, we’ll talk about the deadlift. Definitely not. The hex bar deadlift starting position demonstrates increased knee flexion of ~6° compared to the starting position of the conventional deadlift, while the range of motion at the hip and ankle is similar between them (3). This causes the conventional deadlift to have a more horizontal trunk angle during the setup than the other forms of the deadlift. “Kinematic Differences Between the Front and Back Squat and Conventional and Sumo Deadlift.” Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, vol. Let's start by looking at the conventional deadlift, then compare it to the sumo deadlift. It should feel natural and athletic. Unlike the conventional and Romanian deadlift, the sumo deadlift stresses the lower back less so as the torso is more vertical, allowing other back muscles to pick up some slack. High Bar vs. Low Bar Squat...Which One is Better? Let’s break it down - The Sumo Vs Conventional Deadlift⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣⁣ SUMO:⁣⁣⁣ Main muscles used: Quadriceps, glutes⁣⁣⁣ Bar position: Against the shins⁣⁣⁣ Stance: Wide stance - outside of arms. By analysing these findings, we can deduce that if you’re looking to improve your thigh’s size and strength, then you should sumo. These patterns, plus their many variants, are the squat and the deadlift. A higher energy expenditure but greater force production. The conventional deadlift also demonstrated a higher average concentric velocity (ACV) than the sumo deadlift. If you have a greater need to train your abdominals, then by interpreting the data we can see that utilising a belt will force your abs to work harder, whilst also allowing you to lift more weight. To rectify it, I added in 4-6 sets of weighted planks 3 times a week in between sets to save time. Sumo Deadlift + Trap Bar Deadlift = Greater Quadriceps Involvement. The strain on your hamstrings and lower back strengthens the most important muscle group in your body when done correctly. The conventional deadlift is the answer to the question that asks: “Which movement allows me to move the most amount of weight with the most muscle mass over the longest range of motion. No. Conventional vs. Sumo Deadlifts. It will also provide detail on how to get stronger with your deadlift and outline three valuable deadlift training programs. An absolute essential for proper strength training. Learn how your comment data is processed. Compared with the no-belt exercise, the belted variation produced significantly greater rectus abdominis (abs) activity and significantly less external oblique activity in the same study comparing deadlift styles in footballers. The hex bar deadlift demonstrated significantly greater normalized EMG values for the vastus lateralis (quadriceps) during both the eccentric (down-phase) and concentric (up-phase) phases, compared to the conventional deadlift. Other variants include the stiff-leg, Romanian, single-leg, and kick-stand deadlifts. The more vertical the better when it comes to prioritising energy efficiency. The conventional deadlift is better for those with strong glutes, hamstrings, and lower back muscles. 32, no. So what’s the moral of the story? It would be very difficult to find a more beneficial exercise than Deadlifts! Here’s What To Do, Hip Pain During Squats: The Ultimate Guide, How to Overcome Shoulder Pain During the Bench Press. harder to pull the sumo deadlift from the floor than it is the conventional. SUMO DEADLIFT. Additionally, the sumo deadlift demonstrated significantly increased tibialis anterior excitation compared to the conventional, likely due to maintenance of balance due to the aforementioned decreased dorsiflexion … Camara, Kevin. If you struggle with lockout strength, then the conventional deadlift is the ultimate ‘accessory’ exercise. The deadlift works a vast number of muscles … However it isn’t allowed in strongman competitions and isn’t part of Olympic weightlifting. If your lower back rounds when you deadlift that’s a big no-no and can definitely cause some pain. For example, if you have a weaker sumo deadlift than conventional, you the chances are your quads are holding back your posterior chain and letting the team down, you’ll need to activate your quads more in the rest of your training to improve on your weak points; front squats and additional sumo deadlift variations will help rectify the problem. However it isn’t allowed in strongman competitions and isn’t part of Olympic weightlifting. With a high-handled hex bar deadlift, peak power was achieved with 40% 1RM, while 30% 1RM achieved peak power with the conventional (1, 2). In the sumo deadlift, the lifter approaches the bar with their feet much wider than the conventional deadlift (2-3x wider), commonly toed-out. Either a double-overhand or alternating grip (one forearm pronated, the other supinated) can be used. Conventional Deadlift: What’s the Difference? It also greatly improves your lower back strength, core and your bracing patterns, so there’s no question your deadlift and squat should work in harmony. Conversely, switching to conventional for a while can help sumo pullers come back from hip strain. They are, in order of importance, neuromuscular coordination and muscle size. Maybe. The first step in mastering the conventional deadlift is assuming the proper stance. If you have an existing injury you can’t train around then you need to see a specialist. Yes. Conventional Deadlifts require greater energy expenditure and places a greater demand on the posterior chain. The deadlift is a full body exercise which should be included into your clients' programming, using the variant that best fits their goals, abilities, and preference. Knowing the difference between these three exercises means you’ll be able to choose the best one for your body type and goals. There are two popular variations of this exercise: conventional and sumo deadlift. Heeled Weightlifting Shoes for Squats | Do You Need Them? If I have a lower weight class lifter pulling conventional and their deadlift is comparatively weaker than their other lifts, this usually is a good tell for me that they may be better sumo. The Main Differences between Sumo and Conventional. If the sumo deadlift feels a little uncomfortable, don’t give up on it. The biggest difference between the lifts is increased quadriceps excitation during both the sumo deadlift and hex bar deadlift, compared to the conventional deadlift. Sumo vs. Peak concentric velocity was similar between the conventional and sumo deadlift (6). According to a study in the journal Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise , sumo deadlifts are more effective at activating the vastus medialis , vastus lateralis , and tibialis anterior muscles. But for training loads > 90%, I use sumo style as it helps with injury prevention. When it comes to building strength, there are 2 huge, controllable factors that determine strength. With the conventional deadlift as a reference point, the vertical displacement of the bar from starting position to lift completion is 22% shorter in a high-handle hex-bar deadlift (1) and 20% shorter in a sumo deadlift (4). The sumo deadlift, a popular alternative, is characterized by a wider foot stance with the hands placed inside the … Strength Training the Post-Operative Client, Do You Have Pain During a Lift? “A Three-Dimensional Biomechanical Analysis of Sumo and Conventional Style Deadlifts.” Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, vol. Deadlift Muscle Groups Worked. Overall EMG activity from the vastus medialis (anterior thigh muscle), vastus lateralis (another anterior thigh muscle), and tibialis anterior (muscle in the upper two thirds of the tibia that helps to dorsiflex the foot) were significantly greater in the sumo deadlift. The sumo deadlift relies on recruiting the hips, glutes, and legs to initiate the first portion of the pull, while the conventional has a more equal balance between the lower back and hamstrings. Sumo places a slightly higher demand on the glutes, adductors and quads, or rather, places slightly less demand on the hamstrings and spinal erectors. When you perform a conventional deadlift, your spinal erectors are used more where as the sumo deadlift is very quadricep based in comparison. The researchers also found that the sumo deadlift conveyed a biomechanical advantages compared … Having said that, I’m not here to try and convince you to ditch the conventional deadlift and tell you the sumo deadlift is the best way for you to lift heavy things off the floor. 1. You also need to consider the impact deadlifting too often will have on your CNS. The best option for your client is the variation that fits their goals, current abilities/tolerance, and preference. Once you’ve pulled the slack out of the bar you should be ready to deadlift without back pain. Kasovic, Jovana, et al. Read Miles's full author bio here here, When it comes to the almighty back squat, you will usually hear about two variations:…, Recently, I became engaged in a discussion about utilizing the toe touch as a screen…, As a physical therapist who specializes in treating barbell athletes, one question I get often…. The deadlift stimulates so many muscles that it’s nearly a complete all-in-one movement with … Because the length of your femur remains exactly the same height, the moment arm* remains almost identical. Conventional Style Deadlifts.” Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, vol. Additionally, the sumo deadlift demonstrated significantly increased tibialis anterior excitation compared to the conventional, likely due to maintenance of balance due to the aforementioned decreased dorsiflexion at the ankle. This can be useful for working around back strain, or just for a different stimulus. – Olympic Weightlifting, Why Deadlift variations are important for a well-rounded, injury free Physique – Olympic Weightlifting, High Bar Squat vs Low Bar Squat – Olympic Weightlifting, The Top 5 Deadlift Accessory Exercises for Powerlifters – Powerlifting | The Quest for Strength, The Top 5 Squat Assistance Exercises for Powerlifting, The Top 6 Bench Press Accessory Exercises for Powerlifters, The Top 5 Deadlift Accessory Exercises for Powerlifters, Olympic Weightlifting Programming - The complete guide. The conventional, sumo, and hexagonal bar deadlift are excellent options to incorporate within the program of both your performance and rehabilitation clients. Neuromuscular coordination is like the driver of the car. Conventional improves explosiveness at a greater rate than sumo. Once you’ve narrowed it down to a particular muscle group you can begin strengthening it with remedial exercises. Sumo Deadlift Technique. Now this is a fallacy as: Picking the right accessory exercises for your deadlift is absolutely critical, so pick wisely. Within 3 weeks my back issues had gone. Knee flexion places greater demands on the quads and the sumo variation requires knee flexibility and muscular strength. If your goal would be best suited to improved hamstring and posterior chain development, then conventional deadlift is best suited to your needs. Listed below is a table of the muscles that are involved in the sumo deadlift. When it comes to measures of power, force, and velocity, we also see some distinct differences between deadlift variations. Smaller energy expenditure. Lower weight class lifters, barring some significant mechanical disadvantage, typically can handle much higher loads on deadlifts than they can on squats. But a stronger core is always a plus point. This difference gives you a better idea of how to program sumo and conventional for training purposes. For instance, the conventional deadlift demonstrated significantly more mechanical work than both the sumo and hex bar deadlift, due to the increased linear displacement from starting position to lift completion. *The moment arm is the distance between the axis of a joint and the line of force acting upon it. Deadlift Setup. This study highlights the core differences between deadlift types, as college football athletes performed sumo and conventional deadlifts with and without a lifting belt, based on a 12-RM intensity. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! The conventional deadlift requires a 5% to 10% greater lean of the torso than the sumo deadlift. The greater lean that we have of the torso; the greater the spinal flexor moment arm, making it more difficult for us to remain in an extended/neutral position. The sumo deadlift demonstrated significantly greater EMG values for both the vastus lateralis and vastus medialis (quadriceps) compared to the conventional deadlift. So… what is it that ties all of these lifts together under the name ‘deadlift’? One major difference between the sumo deadlift and the conventional deadlift is on the demands that they place on our spinal extensors. 4, 2002, pp. I recently worked out my core was the weakest part of my lift. Lockie, Robert G, et al. The hex bar deadlift significantly increased the peak moment at the knee and decreased the peak moment at the low back and hip compared to the conventional deadlift. This is because the deadlift involves working major muscle groups in the upper body and lower body, such as the abdomen, erector spinae, lower back and upper back, quadriceps, hamstrings and the gluteus maximus (Fisher, 2012). Let me know in the comments. Since the glutes, hamstrings and quads (multiple large muscle groups) are all working hard during the sumo deadlift, this exercise is an excellent candidate for applying progressive overload. How do you deadlift? Think of muscles as the engine in a car; muscles are what makes the body go. “The 1 Repetition Maximum Mechanics of a High-Handle Hexagonal Bar Deadlift Compared With a Conventional Deadlift as Measured by a Linear Position Transducer.” Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, vol. If you’re looking to take your fitness routine to the next level and add some extra muscle, deadlifts are the king of workouts. The sumo deadlift put less tension on the lower back as compared to the conventional deadlift. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Whether you’re a field-sport athlete or barbell athlete looking to improve your health/wellness, there are two key lower body movement patterns that you should be using to build endurance, strength, power, and full-body capacity. Therefore, a sumo or high-handle hex-bar deadlift will decrease the global range of motion requirements of the lift compared to the conventional deadlift. *Electromyography is an electrodiagnostic technique that evaluates and records the electrical activity produced by skeletal muscles. Joint and the deadlift variations smaller the moment arm and the deadlift conventional improves explosiveness at a greater rate sumo! Sumo stance and you ’ ll talk about the deadlift, training, Videos weight! Sumo so I ’ m probably biased greater crossover to power production and sprinting body type goals... Back rounds when you deadlift that ’ s the difference explosivity, it doesn ’ t mean should! Floor, then conventional deadlift to have a more upright, the bar a shorter range motion. Deadlift ( 6 ), so discover what accessory exercises would best suit squat! The knee was greater in the clean might refer to this as ones technique or skill important muscle you. 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