It will attack a large variety of plants-more than 170 species-including many fruits and vegetables. The legs are also banded, but the bands are not as distinct as those on the antennae. UME Entomologist, Mike Raupp, offers common sense options for stink bug control In 2010 and 2011, brown marmorated stink bugs (BMSB) were seen in extremely high numbers in the Mid-Atlantic region. They were responsible for causing major economic damage to fruit and vegetable crops at a number of orchards and farms. The brown marmorated stink bug is well-established in the Willamette Valley, where virtually all domestic hazelnut production occurs. You can breathe a sigh of relief, because stink bugs do not bite people, they won’t harm your pets, and they don’t spread diseases. Reported hosts include apple ( Malus domestica ), peach ( Prunus persica ), pear ( Prunus pyrifolia ), citrus, figs ( Ficus ), mulberries ( Morus) , soybean (Glycine max), butterfly bush ( Buddlei a), Paulownia sp. By: Dr. Michael J Raupp - College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Maryland. 201… Large populations exist in several Mid-Atlantic States, whe… Individual ker-nels of sweet corn are destroyed. However, in warmer climates, four to six generations are possible. BMSB was first confirmed in the United States in 2001 although an unconfirmed sighting was reported in Pennsylvania in 1996. The underside of the BMSB is white with … During outbreak years the brown marmorated stink bug has caused significant losses to tree fruit producers, damaging apples, peaches and pears. It was first detected in the United States in Pennsylvania in the late 1990s. They do not bite people or pets. Adult brown marmorated stink bug (BMSB), note white bands on antennae and legs (Doug Pfeiffer) Identification The BMSB is a grayish brown shield-backed bug about 3/4 inch long with white bands on the antennae and legs, alternating black and white spots on the abdomen, and no spines on the front of the thorax. The Brown Marmorated Stink Bug has also become a nuisance to homeowners due to its use of structures as overwintering sites. As a polyphagous pest, the brown marmorated stink bug has the potential to cause damage to several crops, including tree fruit, nuts, vegetables and row crops. A brown marmorated stink bug is native to East Asia and was first noticed in the United States in the late 1990s, possibly having arrived in a shipping crate. Over 300 plant species in agricultural, horticultural, and natural settings are susceptible to attack. In 2010 the brown marmorated stink bug outbreak was the cause of over 37 million USD in losses to tree fruit producers in the mid-Atlantic region (Leskey et al. The Brown Marmorated Stink Bug, Halyomorpha halys, is an invasive stink bug and has emerged as a major pest of tree fruits and vegetables, causing millions of dollars’ worth of crop damage and control costs each year. H. halys sucks plant juices through a feeding stylet. Besides being an annoyance when it seeks protected, overwintering sites on warm fall days, the BMSB can be a serious pest to over 100 host plants in agricultural settings and natural communities. The brown marmorated stink bug (BMSB) is an invasive insect to the U.S. with a wide range of host crops, including many fruit crops like apples and grapes. The injury from their piercing-sucking mouthparts can cause significant crop damage and severe economic losses. This invasive species can attack many crops. This nasty bug (Halyomorpha halys) is a hitchhiker, stowing away in all manner of imported goods and personal effects including suitcases.While it doesn’t pose a risk to human health, brown marmorated stink bug can breed up huge populations that become both a household nuisance as well as a major problem for our crop growers. According to Dr. Raupp, an entomologist at the University of Maryland, the Mid-Atlantic region is the epicenter of the Brown Marmorated Stink Bug endemic; no farmers have been left unaffected by this blight in some way (Can Wasps Squash the Stink Bug … Since its accidental introduction to the US from Asia in 1996, Rutgers NJAES Pest Management Teams have been tracking, studying, and formulating management plans to combat this pest. It was accidently introduced to North America in the mid 1990s, and was first identified in Allentown, Pennsylvania in 2001. Although they are not known to transmit disease or cause physical harm, the insect produces a pungent, malodorous chemical and when handling the bug, the odor is transferred readily. The BMSB feeds on hazelnuts, and this publication helps growers and scouts learn to recognize BMSB damage to hazelnuts.