By visiting our website or transacting with us, you agree to this. (49.7 x 59.5cm.) ‘Public’ accessibility – restricted to … In order to see the film, meaning in this case to sense and feel it, the viewer (user) must guide his or her two hands into the movie theatre by way of the entrance. If you would like to reproduce an image of a work of art in MoMA’s collection, or an image of a MoMA publication or archival material (including installation views, checklists, and press releases), please contact Art Resource (publication in North America) or Scala Archives (publication in all other geographic locations). Nobelpreisträgerin Elfriede Jelinek hat für diesen Film eigene Texte zu VALIE EXPORTS Arbeiten eingesprochen. Valie Export This outdoor action on Munich's Stachus square translates the concept of expanded cinema and the cinema's fairground roots into the ‘first immediate women’s film’, as the artist describes her ‘Tap and Touch Cinema’. wie TAPP und TASTKINO, Aktionshose: Genitalpanik oder BODY SIGN ACTION werden nicht losgelöst als autonome Exponate gezeigt, sondern im Zusammenhang mit den für die Entstehung relevanten Referenz-materialien. To find out more, including which third-party cookies we place and how to manage cookies, see our privacy policy. erworben mit Unterstützung des BKA, Sektion Kunst/acquired with support of BKA, Sektion Kunst 2011 . In 1968 Export created ' Tapp und Tastkino' and the part played by the audience was further emancipated in her work. Our site uses technology that is not supported by your browser, so it may not work correctly. She states: "As always, the screening takes place in the dark. Unlike the apparently affirmative treatment of mass cultural by Pop artists like Andy Warhol or Roy Lichtenstein, she adopts its language in order to propose something aggressive and challenging, adulterating its appearance in order to transform herself into a brand and a product. 1960 zieht sie nach Wien. Austrian Photographer, Filmmaker, and Performance Artist. [Internet]. Sie besucht die Kunstgewerbeschule (1955 — 58). The tactile reception stands against the deception of voyeurism [...] Tapp und Tastkino is an example for the activation of the audience through new interpretation." Weiterlesen über Anagrammatische Komposition mit Würfelspiel (nach W.A. 1967 entscheidet sie sich für ihren Künstlernamen. Encompassing performance, photography, and interactive installations, as well as avant-garde cinematic techniques, EXPORT wants to make film a more interactive, intersubjective experience, rejecting the passive experience of the cinema and instead asking the audience to be actively involved in the work. Die Aufregung hätte kaum größer sein können, als sich die Künstlerin Valie Export ihr Tapp- und Tastkino vor die nackte Brust schnürte. Die Kunst der Provokation: Valie Export zum 80. ", "Performance can be used to dilate time or to repeat time. All Rights Reserved, Valie Export: fragments of the imagination, Who is Valie Export? In einer vor den Oberkörper geschnallten Kino-Box, die von Händen der Passantinnen und Passanten , auch Kindern, besucht werden kann, und die nackte Körper - Kinoleinwand befühlen können, schafft sie ein taktiles Miniaturkino - und löst damit eine Woge von Anfeindungen aus. Linz – Schauen tut man gemeinhin mit den Augen, nicht jedoch im Tapp- und Tastkino (1968) von Valie Export. VALIE: I find it very interesting what you can still learn. Moving through the crowd, EXPORT invited passersby to put their hands under the curtain and touch her naked breasts, denying them the more conventional visual experience of the erotically charged gaze at the sexualised female form, and instead offering the experience of touch in order to critique the ways in which women's bodies were shown in cinema. Tapp und Tastkino is an example for the activation of the audience through new interpretation." So hat VALIE EXPORT beispielsweise für ihre Filme sowohl visuelle Drehbücher verfasst als auch Zeichnungen und Polaroids angefertigt. SMART EXPORT is a photograph in which the artist replaces the branding on a pack of cigarettes with her own image and logo. That artist's insistent stare seems to issue a challenge to the viewer that demands recognition of not only her own biological reality but also her subjecthood, refusing to conceal her sexuality - literally and figuratively - and at the same time rejecting the passive role that sexualized women are expected to adopt. 1968/1969 (1989) Video transferiert auf DVD, s/w, Ton, 1 min 11 s . Großes Aufsehen erregte sie mit ihrem "Tapp- und Tastkino" (1968), bei dem Passanten die durch eine Box verhüllten Brüste der Künstlerin 30 Sekunden lang betasten durften. These also suggest some accessible resources for further research, especially ones that can be found and purchased via the internet. Wearing her Aktionhose, EXPORT walked through the rows of a movie theater turning to face those seated so that her exposed genitals were at the viewer's eye level in order to create "indirect sexual contact with the audience". Und Valie Export führte Peter Weibel an einer Hundeleine durch Wien. She explored these ideas in a range of mediums, taking an approach that encompassed different styles and techniques in her practice and writing texts that outlined the importance of feminism in art and film. The books and articles below constitute a bibliography of the sources used in the writing of this page. Stamped with the words VALIE EXPORT in what looks like an official endorsement of the image, the poster registers a distinctly female aggression that unashamedly pictures women's sexuality as part of a revolutionary posture. Crew. Schwer zu sagen. When I think about how I live, how we all must live in our society, it is painful. Demonstrating her continued and developing interest in the ways in which film invites voyeurism (also seen in Tapp und Tastkino), Genitalpanik 1 and 2 challenged the fear and repression of the female body through this combative gesture. Es wurde als einen genauen Gegensatz zum konventionellen Kino, aber auch zur Peep-Show entwickelt, wo in beiden Fällen die Wahrnehmung des Frauenkörpers ausschließlich durch das Sehen erfolgt. TAPP und TASTKINO. June 29, 2016, Quick clip highlighting EXPORT's main works and her legacy. Her new name was created as both a new, self-fashioned identity and an artistic concept, with VALIE an alternative spelling of her nickname (Walie) and EXPORT inspired by the branding on the pack for Smart Export cigarettes. Linz – Schauen tut man gemeinhin mit den Augen, nicht jedoch im Tapp- und Tastkino (1968) von Valie Export. Ich war mir bewusst, was … Leben und Werk der österreichischen Künstlerin VAL… Sie exponierten Ihren Körper auch im TAPP- und TASTKINO, brachen laufend Tabus. This image is related to the artist's name change. This act of provocation would characterize her future performances, especially TAPP und TASTKINO (TOUCH and TAP Cinema) and Aktionhose: Genitalpanik (Action Pants:Genital Panic). erworben mit Unterstützung des BKA, Sektion Kunst/acquired with support of BKA, Sektion Kunst 2011 . Als Valie Export vor genau 50 Jahren erstmals ihr Tapp- und Tastkino auf einem Filmfest in Wien vorführte, war das zunächst ein Skandal. Auch in weiteren Arbeiten setzte sich VALIE EXPORT mit dem weiblichen Körper auseinander. Nun wird die Pionierin der feministischen Kunst 80 Jahre alt . Sie setzt sich in ihrer Jugend mit Kunstgeschichte auseinander, experimentiert mit der Fotokamera und besucht die Kunstgewerbeschule. In der Wiener Innenstadt lud die Österreicherin die Passanten ein, durch den kleinen Vorhang in den Kasten zu greifen. full view, Photodocumentation of performance. We use our own and third-party cookies to personalize your experience and the promotions you see. Passanten werden animiert, die durch eine Box verhüllten Brüste der Künstlerin zu betasten. VALIE EXPORT (B. Executed in 1968, this work is number three from an edition of five This record is a work in progress. By visiting our website or transacting with us, you agree to this. We can say we don't know if this image exists, but we agree that the object exist: it's an agreement between all of us on this planet. So konnten beim "Tapp- und Tastkino" wildfremde Menschen rund eine halbe Minute lang den Busen der Künstlerin abtasten. Tapp und Tastkino, München, Karlsplatz (Stachus), 14.November 1968 [Foto] Tapp und Tastkino, München, Münchner Freiheit, 1969 [Filmstills, Apropos Film, ORF, 12.September 1969] none Tapp und Tastkino, München, Münchner Freiheit, 1969 [Exzerpt aus Apropos Film, ORF, 12.September 1969] Valie Export, Peter Weibel Tapp und Tastkino, 1968 Performance Mozart, Klavier) für Sopransaxophon von VALIE EXPORT. Erste Selbstporträts und Fotos entstehen. As a young child she was raised religious and studied in a convent school until she turned 14. Developing her practice during the 1960s in an Austria that was still coming to terms with its role in the Second World War, and influenced by Viennese Actionism, her early work consisted of performances in which she challenged public audiences with sexualized actions that asked them to examine women's experience, with a focus on the ways in which their bodies were subject to the male gaze in cinema. EXPORT's examination of the ways in which the body - especially women's bodies - are rendered passive in film preempts later critiques such as Laura Mulvey's "Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema" (1975) which considers how women on screen are objectified and presented so as to invite a sexualized male gaze. Die Aufregung hätte kaum größer sein können, als sich die Künstlerin Valie Export ihr Tapp- und Tastkino vor die nackte Brust schnürte. VALIE EXPORT TAPP und TASTKINO (TAP and TOUCH CINEMA) 1968/1989. That project has concluded, and works are now being identified by MoMA staff. Treffen Europäischer Filmemacher, Karlsplatz (Stachus), München, 14. Als „Expanded Cinema“ kreierte sie ein sogenanntes „Tapp- und Tastkino“, das großes Aufsehen erzeugte. If you have additional information or spotted an error, please send feedback to [email protected]. Sie ist die godmother der Performancekunst . rin VALIE EXPORT ab 1968 der feministischen und gesellschaftskri-tischen Kunst den Weg. EXPORT is known for her development of a version of 'expanded cinema', a way of thinking about film that explores the possibilities of the medium beyond the projection of a film strip on a screen. Und Künstlerin Valie Export lud in ihr für Augen nicht zugelassenes Kino. Valie Export (właściwie Waltraud Lehner, ur. In 2018–19, MoMA collaborated with Google Arts & Culture Lab on a project using machine learning to identify artworks in installation photos. Valie Export. museum moderner kunst stiftung ludwig wien. Maraisiade, Preisverleihung im Wirtschaftsförderungsinstitut der Bundeskammer; Wien, 11. Includes a biography, bibliography, and all her works organized by date, By Gary Indiana / Valie Export: Als ich mich entschloß, Künstlerin zu werden, war für mich klar, daß mein künstlerischer Ausdruck nicht in der Malerei liegen wird, eher noch in der Zeichnung. VALIE EXPORT. Der österreichischen Künstlerin Valie Export ging es immer darum, Neuland zu betreten. as Tapp- und Tastkino or Aktionshose Genital-panik. (…), denn ich sagte damals, jeder Mensch kann diese Filmaktion durchführen, Filminstallation ausführen, es gibt kein Original.“ Zur Hilfe. Sie gehört nach Ansicht des Stiftungsrats der Roswitha Haftmann-Stiftung zu den wichtigsten internationalen Pionierinnen dieser Kunstgattungen. All requests to license audio or video footage produced by MoMA should be addressed to Scala Archives at [email protected]. The name VALIE EXPORT is an important part of her practice, adopted by the artist in 1967 it represents her rejection of patriarchal structures. Tapp und Tastkino is an example for the activation of the audience through new interpretation." Valie Export kommentierte später diese Aktion: "(…) das Tapp- und Tastkino – das war Straßenaktion, es war Feminismus, es war Expanded Cinema, es war Film; ich nannte das Tapp- und Tastkino damals auch Tapp- und Tastfilm. Tattoos waren zu dieser Zeit absolut nicht in. Through her 'Tapp und Taskino' EXPORT developed a theory of feminist Actionism. Aktionshose Genitalpanik. She is recognized as one of the most important early feminist artists, who reconsiders the ways in which the body is presented and challenges its representation as passive in conventional film and media, offering complex and challenging depictions of women's experience. Tapp- und Tast-Kino (Tap et Cinema Touch) a été réalisée dans dix villes européennes en 1968-1971. Die Aufregung hätte kaum größer sein können, als sich die Künstlerin Valie Export ihr Tapp- und Tastkino vor die nackte Brust schnürte. Europäischen Treffens der Unabhängigen Filmemacher Münchner Passanten in ihr Tapp- und Tastkino. Born of the 1968 revolt against modern consumer and technical society, her defiant feminist action was memorialized in a picture taken the following year by the photographer Peter Hassmann in Vienna.VALIE EXPORT had the image screenprinted in a large edition and fly–posted it in public spaces. Biography. 17 maja 1940 w Linzu) – austriacka artystka intermedialna, ... oraz Tapp und Tastkino (gdzie autorka chodziła po ulicy z zawieszoną na nagich piersiach skrzynką z otworem na dłonie, zachęcając przechodniów do kontaktu). Walking in the street during a film festival in Vienna, EXPORT wore a styrofoam box extending roughly six inches from her body, a hole cut out of the front with a curtain covering it, resembling the architecture of a movie theater. ", "The woman as a spectacle, the woman as a naked body, as a merchandising image in film, represents the new economy of the body, the logic of the capital within culture", "Although some of my performances look very painful, they are not. The addition of the gun, along with the artist's antagonistic pose and confrontational stare into the camera, registers the artist's aggression against the conventional expectations of the presentation of women and their bodies. 1940) Trapp und Tastkino signed, titled and dated 'VALIE EXPORT TAPP UND TASTKINO 1968' (on the reverse) gelatin silver print 19 5/8 x 23½in. With. There's only room inside for two hands. Towards the end of the essay, in reference to her own action Tapp und Tastkino from 1968, VALIE EXPORT marks a revision to her concept of female sexual self-determination, saying that it occurs at the expense of the woman “actionist”. Her chosen identity to the copyright holders we place and how to cookies! Also available about the film Study Center Jelinek hat für diesen film eigene Texte zu VALIE EXPORTS Arbeiten eingesprochen,... Is number three from an early valie export tapp und tastkino, VALIE EXPORT 's work is expressly political, questioning the in... 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