A number of transdisciplinary initiatives were launched to achieve the required results and to provide the Band’s departments with a solid base of experience in working collaboratively across boundaries. These mechanisms will also support partners to share and leverage resources that any one partner may not have access to on its own, but that combine to make a real difference. This strategy highlights the importance of working across the boundaries of academic disciplines, departmental mandates, and program criteria to build sustainability. In 1994, CIDA released its framework for sustainability, which, as mentioned previously, highlights the areas of work related to all five of the pillars of sustainable development. The goals of sustainable development cannot be achieved when there is a high prevalence of debilitating illnesses, and population health cannot be maintained without ecologically sustainable development. The biggest part of the iceberg, which lies under the surface of daily life, is sometimes referred to as primary culture. In pre-contact times trade and exchange routes extended all up and down the spine of the Americas. sustainable development. This discussion provides the opportunity for participants to explore their own philosophical biases related to sustainable development, as well as the ways in which the term is used in their own fields of work. 1. there are dimensions or parts which make up the whole and which are interrelated to each other. Three crosscutting themes will therefore characterize the way that the Pathways to Prosperity Program will be implemented: 1. This final discussion opportunity is geared to thoughtful reflection about the application of the course’s learning to professional and personal life. In the context of urban planning, sustainable development is used to discuss the link between the rate of population growth and economic development and the carrying capacity of the infrastructure. The medicine wheel is simply a circle divided into four parts. We also commonly use the term development to talk about economic activity that converts land into commercial purposes such as housing or industrial uses. The term “space” here refers to is budgeted time and resources, as well as constructive processes and mechanisms in which all team members are enabled to contribute their very best to the process. Economic prosperity is never sought after at the expense of environmental destruction. Westley, Zimmerman & Paton, in their recent book entitled Getting to Maybe , distinguish between three types of problems. It can refer to the tribe or nation, the various levels of government up to the nation state and beyond, other countries and regions, or the global monetary market and regulatory systems. Much of this work has been rooted in the process of recovering Anishnawbek cultural foundations. We use your LinkedIn profile and activity data to personalize ads and to show you more relevant ads. As well, it involves developing the capacity of Indigenous organizations and Indigenous leadership to work effectively with their own communities and with the wider world. This report examines progress achieved in selected areas related to Chapter six of Agenda 21, highlights areas in which progress has been limited, Creating a comprehensive initiative that can strategically address the ten determinants that trap a significant portion of the AI/AN population of Greater Seattle in poverty will require a clear vision of the positive pattern that needs to be built. The principles that should govern the overlap of the pillars of sustainable development can be characterized as follows. In other words, we will have to put learning at the centre of our efforts to make change. Sustainable economic development is governed by appropriate policy, ensures equitable access to resources, and enhances the productive capacity of the poorest. Professional service delivery would also need to be reoriented so that the work of building the determinants of wellbeing would be occur at the same time as workers were compassionately dealing with crises as they emerged. Some people argue that cultural diversity must be seen as the fourth pillar of sustainable development. It is recognized that these need to be woven together to create a sustainable development strategy. See our Privacy Policy and User Agreement for details. 3. Political sustainability encompasses protection of human rights, good governance and the rule of law. The United Nations’ Brundtland 1987 Commission generated the most widely quoted definition of sustainable development. Indeed, many Indigenous peoples have been, and are still being, pushed into extremes of poverty and misery, or even to the brink of extinction in some regions, all in the name of “progress” or “development”. Volition/participation means the meaningful involvement of the people whose lives are being affected in all aspects of development processes. See Reading # 6 for an executive summary of this initiative. They hail a light that they see directly in their path to direct it to move out of their way. The list presented in the following four slides was synthesized from Four Worlds work with First Nations, Inuit and Metis communities across Canada between 1994 and 2006. Sending a rocket ship to the moon or building more fuel efficient engines are examples of complicated problems. Between 1998 and 2002, a series of opportunities began to shift the tide of community development in the direction of cultural recovery, community healing and nation building: 1. the election of a Chief and Council who saw healing and community development as the most important priority for the Nation; 2. The fundamental strategy of the Pathways to Prosperity Program is to build the capacity of individual families and communities to address all the determinants . Although the origins of Sustainable Development (SD) can be traced to the seventies, is in the World Commission on Environment and Development in 1987 (WCED or This focus will be broadened to include 100 families from across the Native American community during the second year. In addition to seeking out partners who can participate in a collaborative capable of offering the full spectrum of services, supports and opportunities to those making the journey towards sustainable wellbeing and prosperity, United Indians will actively cultivate other strategic partnerships. Other articles where Sustainable development is discussed: environmental law: Sustainable development: Sustainable development is an approach to economic planning that attempts to foster economic growth while preserving the quality of the environment for future generations. There are persistent barriers to sustainability on the planet. If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. Planning, action, reflection and learning are moments in the process that are returned to many times. Basic physical needs include adequate nutrition, clothing, shelter, pure drinking water, sanitary waste disposal and access to medical services. The model and approaches to be utilized build on the community’s strategic strengths to systematically deal with long standing obstacles to the sustainable wellbeing and prosperity of Native American families. This discussion opportunity is designed to give participants the opportunity to relate the workshop topic to their own experience. At the same time, there has always been a powerful core of Indigenous elders and spiritual leaders who advocated holding on to the ancient spiritual vision of the oneness of the human family, and the teaching that the way out of this period of oppression and suffering is not through violence, but rather through healing the trusts that were broken and through building constructive partnerships with all nations and peoples. This document introduces the Pathways to Prosperity Program core models and strategies. Building Appropriate Partnerships and Networks — This work includes connecting Indigenous organizations and communities with viable partners (both from across the Indigenous world and from the wider society)—partners that bring a value-added contribution to Indigenous development and business initiatives. A critical component of capacity building will be promoting the personal health and wellness of individuals and families and linking people to appropriate health care services. The term is used in the context of municipal planning and debate about population growth by both government and civil society. Sustainable development has been defined in many ways, but the most frequently quoted definition is from Our Common Future, also known as the Brundtland Report: "Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs." The wheel, made of interlocking wheels within wheels, turns through a process of learning and transformation. One of the strengths of the medicine wheel model is that it so clearly demonstrates the interrelation between the many dimensions of the socio-economic world that must become part of efforts to create greater sustainability. Strong families and healthy child development - families that are spiritually centered, loving, unified, free from addictions and abuse, and which provide a strong focus on supporting the developmental needs of children from the time of conception through the early years and all the way through the time of childhood and youth. 0 From Embeds. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015, provides a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future.At its heart are the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are an urgent call for action by all countries - developed and developing - in a global partnership. The program is designed to provide an interdisciplinary grounding with … Without these in place, efforts to achieve equitable social development, as well as economic development that does not exceed the carrying capacity of the environment environmental protection, will not be successful. Simple problems, they say, can be solved by following a recipe. This report examines progress achieved in selected areas related to Chapter six of Agenda 21, highlights areas in which progress has been limited, In human and community development work it is as important to focus on how the work is done as it is to focus on what must be done. A common critique from civil society is that current definitions tend to support the status quo. This definition attempts to balance the social and economic wellbeing of the present with the impact of current patterns for the future. which outline what we want to achieve. Yet the stakes are high. This sharing opportunity is designed to give participants the opportunity to use the models that have been explored in this module to clarify their own thinking about the dimensions involved in sustainable development work. History . Cultural research would be needed to fully engage the rich healing knowledge and practices that already exist in the Nation. Goal 3: Good health and well-being. Sustainability Journal We publish a bi-annual journal with the goal of educating the public with information that is normally reserved for limited audiences in … doi: 10.17226/10022. Principles of Community Engagement - Second Edition: Concepts of Community . By year three, all the program components, support systems and partnerships will be in place to allow for a much broader focus in implementation. Dr.Praseeda.B.K By “health” we mean the mental, emotional, physical and spiritual wellbeing of people, as well as their capacity to successfully address the full range of determinants that lead to health. To introduce participants to a range of definitions for the terms “sustainable”, “development” and “sustainable development” from the literature, as well as commonly identified criticisms of these definitions. People all over the globe, when asked variants of the seemingly simple question, “What do people need to have in their lives in order to have a good life, to have sustainable wellbeing and prosperity?, give remarkably similar answers. Listening and Visioning - This phase involves relationship building, recovering cultural resources and local knowledge, establishing a values foundation, listening to and documenting the people’s story and setting sustainable goals. The broad scope of sustainable development suggests that virtually any social, economic or environmental The previous five slides described the outcome objectives of the Reunion of the Condor and the Eagle strategy. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015, provides a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future. Someone quipped that it was not a fish that discovered water. This model places the domains of human activity—political, social, economic and cultural—within the context of environmental protection. Healthy eco-system and a sustainable relationship between human beings and the natural world - the natural world is held precious and honoured as sacred by the people. Community members, and the self-help networks and civil society organizations they build, must also play a key role. Using the medicine wheel model allows us to reflect on the interconnected web of relationships that need to be transformed in order to create balance, wellbeing and sustainability. Again, a graphic can illustrate the interrelationship between these four processes critical to actualizing the guiding principles at the heart of an Indigenous vision of sustainable development. It was recognized that the healing strategic line of action would need to permeate everything the Nation does. Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. When we look back on the “footprints” of our actions, both as individuals and as collectives, we can learn a great deal about our lived values. There is a often a significant difference between what we say we value and what we actually value. The medicine wheel of the community mirrors of the “pillars of sustainable development” introduced in previous slides. The case study in Module III related to transdisciplinarity (the Sagamok Anishnawbek First Nation) argued that sustainability requires creative collaboration between individuals and agencies from many sectors, disciplines and departments. Its intended audience is senior-level government managers working in a wide variety of disciplines related to social and economic development. Sustainable Development, Millenium Development Goals (MDGs) and Sustainable D... No public clipboards found for this slide. Similarly, a primary focus of the community development strategic line of action of the Ten-Year Action Plan was to realign the work of all the community’s institutions and services with the Band’s new understanding of its conditions and its vision for the future. The Braun School of Public Health and Community Medicine of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem Hadassah is the first and largest school of Public Health in Israel, an outstanding institution which has trained students from over 90 countries over the last fifty years. Transdisciplinarity goes even further than multidisciplinarity to create new insights and knowledge. UNDERSTANDING & LEADING SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Phil Lane, Jr. Four Worlds International www.fwii.net. The 16 principles presented in this next series of slides represent a synthesis of Four Worlds’ twenty-five years of field experience. The course has the following objectives: To introduce participants to the variety of contexts (such as urban planning, forestry, health promotion, international development) within which the term “sustainable development” is used and the richness of the definitions that are the result. The action-reflection cycle, which development practitioners often refer to as participatory action research (PAR) , can be pictured in this way. The community development process can be as important as its products. On one hand, we have the ecologists' view that associates sustainability with the preservation of the status and function of ecological systems. Making spaces - The willingness and capacity to create and protect the necessary “working space” for collaborative inquiry and collective team management of the project. A simple introduction to sustainable development and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Sustainable Tourism • All the stakeholders in tourism development should safeguard the natural environment with a view to achieving sound, continuous and sustainable economic growth geared to satisfying equitably the needs and aspirations of present and future generations (UNWTO (n,d) in Global Code of Ethics for Tourism). 2020 marks the start of the “Decade of Action” we have left to achieve them. Most current definitions of sustainable development are normative; that is, they state a desired end state or commendable set of values. Using a systems approach that simultaneously addresses four levels of change: a) individual, b) families, c) communities, and d ) relations with the wider world. Since people cannot build on what they do not have, the Pathways to Prosperity Program will draw on the strengths, resources and resilience that already reside in the American Indian and Alaskan Native peoples, families and communities and will move toward a positive vision of wellbeing and prosperity. Economic development should be pursued in ways that lead to equitable social development for all the world’s peoples. Culture can also be thought of as the software that operates in the background to shape what we do. To introduce participants to leadership characteristics that support the implementation of sustainable development processes To provide the opportunity for participants to reflect on and share with each other the ways in which sustainable development processes are relevant to their own work and the opportunities and challenges they face in providing leadership in this field. All the “determinants of poverty” become converted to “determinants of wellbeing”. Social justice and equity - a fair and equitable distribution of opportunities for all, as well as sustainable mechanisms and processes for rebalancing inequities, injustices and injuries that have or are occurring. The four aspects of the “wider world” in this slide are the same as those identified as critical to sustainable development processes in dominant culture models. Many of the 16 principles explored in Module III have direct application to sustainable development processes. A primary concern related to the involvement of government, private philanthropy and the not-for-profit sector in international development work is whether the projects undertaken will be sustainable once “outside” funding and technical support is withdrawn. As in the case in most development processes, this quiet work went on for many years without much visible impact. Critical learning opportunities - consistent and systematic opportunities for continuous learning and improvement in all aspects of life, especially those connected to key personal, social and economic challenges communities are facing, and those which will enhance participation in civil society. A second key strategy for implementing sustainable development initiatives is transdisciplinarity. An initial focus on families involved in our Headstart program links the importance of early childhood education to long-term outcomes. The SSC was established in 1982 as a village-level body re-elected every 5 years responsible for health, environment, water and community development including overseeing the functioning of NTD and WASH programs. You can change your ad preferences anytime. In a review of a broad range of the International Development Research Centre’s (IDRC) Eco-health projects in Africa, the Caribbean and Latin America, a transdisciplinary approach was defined as shown on this slide. It is understood that human beings live within nature as fish live within water. There is a spiritual awakening occurring throughout the Indigenous world. Community-based health promotion often emphasizes elements of empowerment, participation, multidisciplinary collaboration, capacity building, equity and sustainable development. This approach is not merely political in nature. This use of the term sustainable development focuses on the relationships between social and economic development. According to standard dictionary definitions, the etymology of the word “development” is the French verb développer, which literally means to unfold or unroll. Without an outside mirror, we cannot see our own eyes, because they are the organs through which we look at the world around us. II. These four key lines of action can be pictured in a graphic like the one on this slide. It clearly makes no sense to ask, “which would you rather be able to do, eat or breathe?” Similarly the various determinants of wellbeing are not optional. The United Indians of All Tribes Foundation will serve as an intermediary organization that brings together a wide range of individuals, organizations and agencies in the government, non-government and private sectors. Adequate income and sustainable economics - access to the resources needed to sustain life at a level that permits the continued development of human wellbeing, as well as processes of economic engagement that are capable of producing sustainable prosperity. Elsevier has just released its new report on the progress of sustainability science. Sustainable Planning and Development was established in 2017 to empower communities to protect their water and plan for a sustainable future. Their purpose was to identify the challenges faced by Seattle’s urban Native American population and to explore ways of eliminating poverty. Reading #1 for this course offers an even more comprehensive look at current uses for the term “sustainable development”. These characteristics tell us as much about who we must become as about what we should do. Westley, Zimmerman and Patton provide the following advice for “ordinary people who want to make connections that create extraordinary outcomes”: “ Develop your capacity to see and understand complex systems, and learn to draw action implications from what you see and understand.” “ Cultivate the discipline of reflective practice. Team members are willing to go the “extra mile”, because they believe in what they are doing. A very common approach to sustainable development is to talk about the “three pillars” that have to be built: social development, economic development and environmental protection. Pathways to Prosperity Program is based on a “Determinants of Poverty” approach. These three strategies can enform sustainable development initiatives that have very different starting points. People filled with jealous and angry feelings about another person may well find their mental capacities blocked, and their bodies filled with stress. If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. Complex problems, on the other hand, are those that involve the interaction of many factors in the socio-economic world. Like individual people or families, each community has its own commonality ( the personality the... People argue that cultural diversity must be sought as about what we do and poverty alleviation generated the most for. 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