Try, try, try. Miserable people, however, stay too complacent for too long, and, eventually, they fall into the habit of dreading everyday life. Make things. It takes time, regular work, failing, and … Don’t hang out with negative people. They’d rather spend their time with folks who aren’t good for them than face the negative chatter in their mind. There is no such thing as a life without problems. And no, the argument that goes, “We still are in the middle of a plague but these officials are imperfect” doesn’t work—because it’s them who are telling us we need to be afraid, and if it weren’t for them, we would be living in a world where we would be protecting the vulnerable—the opposite of what the hypocrites have done—and going about our lives like it’s … The best way to respond to unkindness is to smile and be kind to those who have hurt you. When you feel as if the universe is “out to get you,” of course you’re going to see traps and hidden agendas everywhere — even though, for the most part, they don’t exist. This is one of the biggest lessons I’ve learned in my 20s. Read also – 7 Smart Ways to Recover from Betrayal. Even if they won’t admit their mistake, your kindness will simply drive them crazy and they will leave you alone. There are stacks upon stacks of self-help books that will promise you love, happiness, and a fabulous life. If you agree to everything — from other people’s requests to each tiny notification on your phone — your entire life will happen at the behest of forces outside your control. It’s always a good idea to kill people who’ve hurt you with kindness (as the saying goes) than hurt them in return. Then there’s the opposite view. Miserable people are often terrified of being alone. Below are some tips on how to manage your boss, to help you evaluate your situation and get the support you need to be productive while maintaining your sanity. Miserable definition is - being in a pitiable state of distress or unhappiness (as from want or shame). “What to do when life is miserable,” I suppose there are those of you out there that don’t know what I’m talking about. They’d rather spend their time with folks who aren’t good for them than face the negative chatter in their mind. I also don't want them to know I'm feeling miserable. There are certain circumstances in life that makes a person the way they are. 23. I always pity someone who’s hurt me for being such a miserable and hateful person. Maybe your kindness will make them admit their mistake and apologize. Miserable people take this as an insult, but it’s just the reality of our universe. Happiness is a byproduct of living a calm, stress-free life. A miserable person is miserable because the way he or she views the world is miserable. Miserable jobs can be found in every industry and at every level. 7 Reasons to Be Kinder to People Who Have Hurt You, 7 Ways to Break a Habit of Judging Others. I have finally come to the conclusion that some people like to be miserable, that they actually feel happier when they are miserable. We get sucked into this fantasy that, if only we accomplished all our dreams, our lives would be worry-free. Coffee? Learn and grow from them, don’t hide from them. See more ideas about quotes, me quotes, words of wisdom. Satan's lie to Eve was that God was withholding something good from her, when in reality God had given so much for Adam and Eve to enjoy in the garden. Once you start to show kindness, your urge to be kind will grow. Avoid communicating with them, instead surround yourself with kind and positive people who make you happy. Sure, you can respond to them as mercilessly as they’ve been to you, but this will only make a bad situation worse. No matter how painful your situation might be, it’s important to be nice and kind to others. But misery is something anybody can achieve if they set their mind to it. You just have to look for the good in it. Miserable people are often terrified of being alone. Having negative opinions of people in your life is a fantastic way to get you on the train to Miserableville. It’s hard to change someone’s behavior towards you, but you need to at least try. Being in a bad mood when your physiology is off isn’t even a habit, it’s a rule of nature. They will definitely notice this personality trait and they will respect you even more than ever before. Many of us can’t find the right words to say to the people who’ve hurt us. People around you will perceive you as a smart and strong person who knows what to say in a difficult situation. Just like too much comfort is bad for your happiness, so is too little. Everyone is different. Sadly, as we say in Germany, “Without health, everything is nothing.”. Four PIllars of Misery Patience is a virtue because few things of merit happen quickly or easily. If you live to be 82 years old, you’ll have about 30,000 days on this planet. Nature is “the teacher of last resort.” Every time you clash with a person or crash when facing a challenge, there is a lesson to learn. Being miserable is a way of life for some people because they get sympathy, constant reassurance from other miserable people and a sense of self, defined by whatever circumstance they find themselves in. I'm feeling very useless, stupid and lonely. Don’t give up. And that one thing is to make them miserable. The Stoics saw it as the capital mistake in living a good life and made it the maxim of their philosophy to fight it: Know what you can and can’t control. Being kinder to people who have hurt you is both a skill and an art. If you’re kind to people who have hurt you, you will have nothing to feel guilty about. Their thought processes have been molded to always see the … So that they can get a taste of their own medicine as when they have been bitter with someone else in life. Never learn to accept your flaws, because being mean to others is virtually impossible when this happens. The most practical way to live a happy life is to avoid being miserable. The “So many of them wind up unhappy or wind up broke. Carefully weigh your commitments. Others luck out and are born into miserable families, or were given a head start and encouraged to be miserable by teachers and friends growing up. I suspect for you, a good life will look similar. It’s not easy, nothing’s free, and, generally, the world at large doesn’t care about you. In How to Be Miserable, psychologist Randy Paterson outlines 40 specific behaviors and habits, which—if followed—are sure to lead to a lifetime of unhappiness.On the other hand, if you do the opposite, you may yet join the ranks of happy people everywhere! Lencioni: Attend any kind of social gathering, anywhere in the country, and talk about work. You’ll go to work, feed the cat, meet a friend, and watch TV at night. Don’t jump into relationships because you’re lonely. Saying no isn’t just important to your mental health, it’s also how you make room for serendipity. Being kinder to people who have hurt you could change their rude behavior towards you. You don’t have enough patience. How to use miserable in a sentence. Popular Nigerian book author and lawyer, Reno Omokri has said that many are miserable today because they married in a hurry. Understand yourself. It will allow others to know what a wonderful and smart person you are. Working too hard and not working at all — both can be immense drains on your physical energy. Focus on solutions, not problems. Sit with the failure until you’ve done so, and you’ll navigate life a little more smoothly from here on out. It’s a commonality all miserable people share: They miss the good in the present because they’re all-consumed by some invisible problem. This is everyday life. I tried to talk to my boyfriend but he literally fell asleep 10 seconds after I said "I'm miserable and I cried for the past 20 minutes". Just like Henry James once said, “Three things in human life are important: the first is to be kind; the second is to be kind; and the third is to be kind.” Below is the list of a few undeniable reasons to be kinder to people who have hurt you. Regardless of why your boss might be less than ideal, you need to determine the best way to work with them, especially if leaving your current position isn't an option (which it isn't for many). 'If you love something God will take it away and replace it with something you hate.' Gossip about them, name call and discriminate if you can. It seems unfair. The people in your environment, the relative state of your health, the things you have to do and that happen in your life — miserable people don’t look at these as choices, but they are. Les Misérables (/ l eɪ ˌ m ɪ z ə ˈ r ɑː b əl,-b l ə /, French: [le mizeʁabl(ə)]) is a French historical novel by Victor Hugo, first published in 1862, that is considered one of the greatest novels of the 19th century.. Don’t just surrender and let life pass as you lament its dilemmas. Don’t expect yourself to automatically learn from your mistakes. ... its core cast were mostly pretty shark-like, self-absorbed, and kind of terrible (or at least very dark) people. This year, pledge to get so inebriated that you’ll do something deeply humiliating. At first, it’s scary to be by yourself. When someone hurts you in front of others, being kind to them won’t show to others that you are weak. That’s fine. It isn’t good, kind of like a diet, which is either boring or horrible. Life is not fair. In the English-speaking world, the novel is usually referred to by its original French title. The most practical way to live a happy life is to avoid being miserable. None of these things are better than being alone, no matter how unpleasant solitude can be. The truth is there are a million ways to be happy — most of them small to the point of being imperceptible — but only a handful of those giant, man-made problems. It’s going to be miserable.” Of course, … Question: How prevalent is job misery? One reason miserable people stay in their negative spiral is that their self-image constantly collides with the outside world, mostly because said self-image is poorly defined. Stephen King has called Donald Trump a “miserable self-entitled infantile fucker” after the current President refused to concede the election. Friday, December 8 — The weekend is here, and it’s time for office Christmas parties! We think, “If it’s God’s will, it can’t be good. Because a “miserable person” can find happiness only when one sees the others even more miserable than oneself. They come from you. My kindness made many people who had hurt me sorry for their rude behavior towards me. Ideas usually come one after another like waves on the beach. So perhaps it is designed that way by God in Heaven. Never say please, thank you, excuse me, and ESPECIALLY don’t ever ask for help. When we are miserable, we tend to do things that keep us miserable. When someone hurts you, it’s hard to find the reason to be kinder to them. Don’t jump into relationships because you’re lonely. Move slowly, but always move forward. Professional athletes, CEOs and actors can be - and often are - as miserable as ditch diggers, janitors and fast food workers. Being rude in return means that you might feel down about two things. We’re in Romans — we’re in 1 Corinthians chapter 15, and we’re looking at the section that has to do with the resurrection. Maybe, you can’t function on six hours of sleep. It’s a challenging task, but try not to hurt anyone in return. So look at what you dislike about yourself, recognize it in someone else and be mean to them. Categories: Happiness Relationship What’s your best way to respond to those who’ve hurt you? Avoiding misery won’t give you a perfect life, but it’ll ensure you find happiness along the way — no matter where it leads. How to Be Miserable actually does belong in the positive-psychology section of the bookstore, but there is a problem with positive psychology and a problem in the field of mental health: We have taken certain normal, natural human emotions — like sadness and anxiety, disappointment, despair, even bereavement — and we’ve reclassified them as disorders. Don’t. I’ll find plenty of happiness along the way. The answers are exactly the same as the answers to the previous question. Being self-aware won’t automatically make you happy, but, in many ways, it’ll shelter you from being desolate. This lie functions on the premise that a good Christian is a miserable Christian. You are the source of everything good that can and will happen in your life. 10 Ways to Deal With People When They Feel Miserable Use their name, be patient, and invite them into the conversation. Sure, you can respond to them as mercilessly as they’ve been to you, but this will only make a bad situation worse. No matter how you spin it, of those 30,000 days, some 28,000 will be boring. You’ve never had a miserable day in your life. Patience is a virtue. The free cookie you get with your coffee. You might think small steps don’t matter, but they do. boredom, stagnation, and a victim-mindset, 3 Science-Based Psychological Tricks That Can Influence Your Happiness, 5 Important Lessons Running Taught Me About Life, What I’ve Learned After 21 Days of Meditation, Ippuku-the Japanese art of taking breaks in small doses, 3 Science-Backed Skincare Ingredients You Need To Use, Why You Should Get Up Early … If You Want to be Insufferable, Miserable, and Uncreative. Good things don’t come to you. “Miserable People Like To Make Everyone Around Them Miserable ... and don’t afford you the same kind of permissiveness you gave them. The more days like that I can rack up, the better. It’s a common cliché for a reason. To them, however, every time it rains is a personal affront. Our tunnel-vision emphasis on the importance of money has led to another pernicious problem. If you meet someone and make assumptions about them based on appearance or kinesics–stick to your guns and never let them change your opinion. It softens your attitude towards them. Sometimes people say and do things that hurt us deeply and most of us try to hurt them in return, but that’s a huge mistake. However many no’s you need to feel good about your yes’s, striking a healthy balance make you happier. The Amazon best-seller gave this rare nugget of wisdom in a recent tweet he shared via his official Twitter page. As they say “I am happy to loose one of my eyes if the other loses both”. They lack perspective on how they small they are — one of nearly eight billion — and, as a result, they can see neither what’s good about their lives and what they should be grateful for nor what they control about the situation and what they can do to change it. All of these are good steps towards achieving your biggest dreams, but, even more importantly, they’ll set a baseline for everyday contentment. Of course, it’s not true. Votes: 2 He then asks them when they wake up miserable in the morning what they feel like doing. Often it is the rich who promote such a view, thinly disguised as concern for the poor. I soon realized that there were three personality types who gain pleasure from being miserable. It’s not about making a million dollars, becoming world-famous, or flooding your brain with dopamine. Be curious. It has fueled an insidious two-tiered vision of education, in which there is one kind of school for the needy and another kind for the masters of the universe. Do good things, and good things will happen to you. Being kinder to them is a smart way to respond to them. Lucky breaks need white space to even occur. And life will be more beautiful for it. You can be miserable any time, anywhere, in a moment’s notice. 3. This is not a good long-term strategy. They blame everything and everyone except themselves, and it holds them back from making the best of today for a better tomorrow. Another reason to be kinder to someone who’s hurt you is because it can soften your attitude toward them. Distraction is a tricky source of misery because it’s hard to see in real-time. ... when someone tells them they are a busybody, ... That kind of misery just feels sooooo good! Your kindness might make them reconsider their actions. Another reason to be kinder to someone who’s hurt you is because it can soften your attitude toward them. Just kidding, no person is bitter and miserable since birth. Unfortunately, you can’t see it if you’re stuck in some marketer’s pipe dream. Don’t work in a toxic environment because the job pays well. How Trying to Make Everyone Happy Can Make You Miserable ... unfold in any kind of relationship—not just romantic ... they wouldn’t want to spend time with someone who acted like them… Being kinder to them is a smart way to respond to them. Try to be kinder to people around you, even if they’ve hurt you many times, and inspire others to do the same. This is not a good long-term strategy. Rudeness won’t make you feel better. Exercise? I will not tell you how I feel about you. Being rude or vengeful will make you feel worse and can even cause you lots of problems. It sounds pleasant but being asked to smile is an extremely coercive requirement. To me, every day when I’m not sick, stressed, or the victim of some drama I don’t control is a good day. Don’t get offended so easily. Somehow, you just never seem to have time for anything, and it gets more and more frustrating with each passing day. There is a freedom that our age seems subtly yet horribly keen to deny us: the freedom to be miserable. Feed them! To be any kind of happy is better than being miserable about something you can't change_Max Quotes -Moeketsi Louw. But to the others, the normal among us, sometimes life can be downright miserable, and it just might be ‘round about now that you are feeling it. Published On: September 04th 2017, Monday @ 4:02:22 AM. Don’t work in a toxic environment because the job pays well. Posted Jan 30, 2017 They depend on you being stuck in it. Maybe, carbs just aren’t good for you. None of us are born self-aware, but that’s not a problem as long as we keep working on this crucial skill. Life shouldn’t be a constant battle, but if you never get off your couch and assume you’ll just magically stumble into your dreams one day, you’re setting yourself up for boredom, stagnation, and a victim-mindset. Instead of looking ahead and figuring out how to move forward, they overthink. Eventually, however, you’ll learn to accept and show yourself compassion. Total Number of Views: 60. When you’re kinder to someone who has hurt you, you’ll feel good about yourself and you will know that you are better than that person. [Message] Well, our subject for this evening is “How to be Really Miserable,” and we have weather to go along with it. If you don’t know where your limits are or where you should set personal boundaries, life will show you the hard way. The rain setting in after you get home. I'm sure that is an oxymoron, but I am guessing you know the kind of people I mean and we're on the same page. Here are eight of them and how to not let them derail your every day. Everyone is trying their best and no one wants to feel inadequate, so all you do by focusing on the negative and what’s wrong is putting spokes in your own wheels. The official religion of modernity is happiness. Moreover, the person who’ve hurt you will notice your kindness as well, whether they want it or not. Working out our basic physical needs may take a while, but it’s an effort that pays off for years to come. This is a skill you can learn — to find the good in normality. People have had terrible things happen,” said Don McNay, 56, a financial consultant to lottery winners and the author of … Jul 21, 2017 - Explore Angela Walsh's board "miserable people quotes", followed by 140 people on Pinterest. Contentment hides in the boring days. While you don’t have to prove anything to anyone, being kinder to people who’ve hurt you will prove what a wonderful and intelligent person you are. Many people think that kindness is a sign of weakness, but it’s not true. It is, however, our habits with which we can prevent that state in the first place, at least most of the time. Take rest when you need it, and don’t settle. Miserable people find the worst in every situation. Don’t wait for life to change. When you find yourself with that frustration, look at your priorities. It can’t be desirable. You might feel miserable because they’ve hurt you and you might feel guilty because you was rude to them. Khalil Gibran said, “Tenderness and kindness are not signs of weakness and despair, but manifestations of strength and resolution.” Remember it the next time someone hurts you. The truth is there are a million ways to be happy — most of them small to the point of being ... Be kind … You’ll enjoy your own company. They dwell on regrets of the past and worries about the future, both of which keep them from growing and becoming a better version of themselves. It’s about enjoying the little things. The more you smile, the more you’ll realize it makes you just as happy as being smiled at by others. Always set an example for others by being kinder to people who have hurt you, and everyone will respect you for it. Many people make good money off this idea. This is a good reason for me to be kinder to rude people and those who’ve hurt me. If you see a show that's rather boring, or a cookie-cutter factory show, you'll usually find some pretty uninteresting, boring people behind it. Read also – 7 Ways to Break a Habit of Judging Others. We believe God’s will is something undesirable. If you look at some shows that have an ugly feel to them, or a nihilistic sort of feel to them, you'll usually find a group of cynical, unhappy, miserable people behind the production. (I mean, they're not bad parents, I like them, they're ok). This way, you’ll feel less hatred toward them. Be kind to people, and they’ll be kind to you. When a person is miserable, they never see or expect the good in anything and always try to make those around them feel just as bad and negative as them. What about alcohol?